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Around The Grange
Do You Remember: Donald Shaw

By Betty Jane Gardiner

  MAY 19, 2014 --

Donald Shaw had an Aunt Lois who was active in Tunxis Grange No. 13.  She often talked about what the Grange had to offer and said the food served in the Grange was excellent.  That struck a cord with Don!  Lois also mentioned the Grange contests piquing the interest Don’s wife, Doris who was a strong sewing and needlework person.  The Shaws decided to join the Grange – Don for the food and Doris for the contest opportunities.  It was a good thing – a perfect example of people joining the Grange for a particular reason and turning out to be very active members.

Don was Master of Tunxis Grange and of Farmington Valley Pomona in addition to serving in other offices and on many committees.  His degree work was outstanding and he loved the ritual and the history of the Order.  Like many Grange brothers he was handy with tools and put those skills to work during the many years he was on the Tunxis building committee.

Don was treasurer of his Subordinate Grange and Pomona.  His background of “engineer” showed as he planned and outlined various projects.

Don was a quiet person – dependable as the day is long.  When he served as a Deputy, he was well-liked by everyone.

For a number of years he sat between the State Secretary and Treasurer and performed the duties of “assistant” – taking recess time to go outside the building and enjoy his old pipe.

Don loved dogs!  The family had cocker spaniels (always black) with cute names and performing little tricks.

He loved peanut butter – the sandwich had to be thick (couldn’t get more than three sandwiches per jar of the spread.)

Farmington Valley had the good luck of winning a number of awards for their exhibits at the Connecticut Agricultural Fair.  Don was always there with helpful suggestions – and props he had made that added to the success of the group.

When Doris was Pomona of Farmington Valley, Don made a little trailer in which the trappings for the court could be transported.  One spring evening following the degree conferral everyone packed up and headed home.  We were home in our house in West Simsbury when we heard someone out on our driveway calling.  It was Don.  He had driven down the hill from Cherry Brook Grange into West Simsbury and the hitch on the trailer had broken.  They were stuck there!!  I’ll never forget the sight of Don and my Bill pulling the trailer to our house where Don came and picked it up the next day.  Just one more little adventure.

Don always said that many of the miles on his car were Grange miles.  When Doris was State CWA Director he said he finally realized what the letters stood for – it was “Carting Women Around.”!!!

The Shaws loved to attend National Grange Convention – and did so for many years.  One year we had a Grange fashion show as a part of the Women’s Activities Banquet and they led the parade of fashions wearing the original regalia from West Hartford Grange (pictured with this article).

We were all happy when Don was appointed as Pomona Deputy at the October 1994 State Session.  We knew it was an excellent choice.  It was not to be!  Don was called from us less than four months into the term.

Do remember Don!

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