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Around The Grange
124th Annual Session of the CT State Grange Review

By Todd Gelineau, CT Granger Editor

  NOVEMBER 2008 -- The Connecticut Granger goes to press shortly after State Session, making it impossible for the State Master and the various committee chairpersons to report on the results of the session for the November issue.  There will be more complete coverage in the December issue.  In the meantime we will provide you a basic outline of the Session’s activities.
At the Pre-Session Banquet on Wednesday evening, three Scholarships were presented by the Student Loan and Scholarship Committee.  The recipients were Jennifer Schermer, Ashley Hermonot and Jenny Pianka.  More applications were received but were disqualified because they were incomplete.  The committee regrets having to disqualify any application but the rules are very clear.  Applicants should review the application and rules carefully when applying.
The Agriculture Committee presented two awards.  The Outstanding Professional Farmer award went to Diane Matsusaki.  The Outstanding Farmer award went to Richard & Dorothy Wingate who own the Studio Farm in Voluntown, CT. Studio Farm is a certified organic grower specializing in a wide range of vegetables:  corn, salad vegetables, various squashes, potatoes, tomatoes (38 varieties) and rhubarb.  Fruits include blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries.
Studio Farm gained its unusual name from its 20th century purpose.  In 1915, movie director, Joseph Totten bought the farm and made silent movies on the premises.  It has been known as the Studio Farm ever since.  The farm dates back to pre-Revolutionary war times with parts of the original carriage road still evident on the farm.  The date on the deed for the farm house is 1753.  An article in the Providence Journal (1938) states that George Washington spent two weeks at the farm, but no further evidence of his stay has been found.
The Connecticut State Grange was also pleased to welcome the new Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Connecticut  Dean Gregory Weidemann spoke on the current program at UConn and plans for the College of Agriculture moving forward.  He succeeded Kirklyn Kerr, who retired during the last year.  Dr. Kerr spoke at the 2007 Pre-Session Banquet.
State FFA President Emily Kalenauskas and Sentinel Alex Tremblay received a check in the amount of $500 from the Connecticut State Grange.  The amount was raised from donations made by Subordinate Granges in the state during the year.  Heifer Project will also receive a check in the amount of $135 raised from Subordinate Grange donations.
Delegates worked on nearly 35 resolutions during the session.  Details will be provided in upcoming issues and in the Journal of Proceedings, when it becomes available.
This Election of Officers resulted in no changes in the elected officers for the new term.  Brother Gordon Gibson’s term expired this year and he was re-elected to a brand new three year term on the Executive Committee.  There were some vacancies on various committees and the State Master plans to announce new appointments at the Pink Sash Meeting to be held on November 22 at Cheshire Grange Hall.
The Honor Subordinate Grange for 2008 is Ekonk Community Grange No. 89 and the Honor Pomona Grange is East Central Pomona No. 3.  Congratulations to both Granges for their hard work.
Friday evening featured the conferral of the Sixth Degree with Katie Molodich and 34 candidates receiving the degree in full form.  Fifth Degree members will have another chance to receive the Sixth Degree (and the Seventh) this month when the Connecticut State Grange confers the degree again on Saturday, November 15 at 10 A.M. at the Crowne Plaza Hotel during the National Grange Convention.  The Seventh Degree will be conferred at 1:00 P.M. on the same date at the Bushnell in Hartford.
The work of the session concluded with the Installation of Officers conducted by Rhode Island State Master Scott Sherman and his team.
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