Friday, February 21, 2025
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Legislatively Speaking
Legislatively Speaking: UConn Online Classes Cut

By Noel Miller, CT State Grange Legislative Director

  JANUARY 1, 2025 --

As I write this article, a school shooting has taken place in a Madison, Wisconsin Christian school. A teacher and student were killed, and six others were injured, and the shooter is dead. The question to ask is, “What have you done to prevent this needless act in our schools, if it is a psychological problem, what funding did you approve for mental health? If it’s access to a gun, what action did you vote on to keep guns out of children’s hands? Thoughts and prayers are not the answer to the problem we have prayed over since Columbine, Sandy Hook and the Parkland school shootings (among too many others). It’s time for the legislators of this country to do something to stoop this loss of life.

The 47th President of the United States will take the Oath of Office on Jan. 20, 2025. It is our hope his actions involving the world and our nation will be for the common good for all.

The University of Connecticut has cut online classes with student enrollment, yet tuition will remain the same and student activity fees will increase. The football team will be in Fenway Park for a bowl game... good luck. Yet Rentschler Field, the stadium in East Hartford, which is twenty years old, is in need of repairs and upgrades. Our tax dollars paid for this structure. Why didn’t UConn set aside funds for the maintenance and upgrades for this facility. We see this with every facility under UConn’s control. Gampel Pavilion was built in 1991 and 20 years later the taxpayers paid for the new roof and upgrades to the floor and locker rooms. With all the money brought in from television, tickets, NCAA funds, income from UConn merchandise, why doesn’t the University set aside funds for the future expansion and upgrades of facilities rather than hitting up the taxpayers?

As 2025 is at the door, we all await what will happen. Will Project 2025 become a reality or was it a lie? Will tariffs be placed on imports? Will our family farmers continue to struggle, and the corporate farms take it all? Will corporate greed continue to raise prices in grocery stores and all stores for that matter. I don’t have a crystal ball but I hope this is not the vision I see for our future. I have faith that we will survive this, we have seen this before and have pulled through the tough times, it’s in our blood.

The latest item not to buy is raw milk. Avian bird flu has been found in raw milk. Pasteurization kills the pathogens in raw milk. Local dairies heat milk to 145 degrees to kill the pathogens and bottle milk without homogenization, so you get the heavy cream. We should all beware of organic, free range, local labels. We have to read and do our homework.

Happy New Year and may you get all that you wish for.



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