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Public Relations News
Public Relations News: Reinterpreting the Teachings of the Fourth Degree

By Terri Fassio, Co-Director, Public Relations Committee

  FEBRUARY 3, 2025 --

In winter, the season of rest from active toil, we sit down with our families, our friends and neighbors, and enjoy together the good things our labors in the lower degrees have brought us. (Fourth Degree Steward)

The Fourth Degree teaches the value of reflection and connection during winter — a season often seen as a time for rest and introspection. As Grange members gather with family, friends, and neighbors, it’s an ideal opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of their programs and activities. This period of self- assessment encourages Granges to determine what strategies yield positive results and to consider innovative ideas, rather than clinging to traditional methods. By taking time to reflect on past successes and setting new goals for 2025, Granges can maintain the positive momentum generated during the busy fall harvest and holiday seasons.

In Connecticut, the snowy months serve as a crucial time for both individual reflection and organizational growth within the Grange. Effective Grange leaders inspire confidence among officers and members by fostering connections that extend beyond the organization to embrace supporters, the media, and the local community. They should also focus on identifying future milestones, such as anniversaries or new initiatives, which can serve as the basis for engaging programs and events. It’s equally important to acknowledge and share past accomplishments, reinforcing the value of collective efforts.

“What a child sees makes the most lasting impression. We may

tell them of the pleasures and independence of the farmer’s life; but if their daily intercourse with us shows it to be tedious, irksome, laborious, without any recreation of body or mind, they will soon lose all interest in it and seek enjoyment elsewhere.” (Fourth Degree Overseer)

The teachings emphasize the significant impact of visuals and experiences, stressing that if the daily realities of Grange life appear tedious and laborious, interest will dwindle. To combat this, Grange leaders must cultivate a captivating vision for the future, inspiring members to partake in this shared journey. Outstanding leaders set ambitious goals and create a vibrant culture that motivates members to exceed expectations.

“Let the Agate be to you an emblem of FIDELITY. May your principles of manhood and womanhood be as firmly impressed as the lasting colors in the stone, and may our friendship be as firm as the stone itself” (Fourth Degree President)

Fidelity, a core theme of the Fourth Degree, is defined as loyalty and commitment to a person, cause, or belief. To enhance member loyalty, Granges should emulate successful brands by embedding themselves deeply into their members’ lives. The goal is to create an experience so integral that members cannot envision life without being part of the Grange. In a world filled with competing activities and commitments, this level of engagement is crucial.

To ensure that Granges remain appealing, the benefits they offer  must  be  meaningful  and valuable. They should cater to the professional aspirations and personal interests of each member, acting as a tangible symbol of the organization’s appreciation for their commitment. When members feel valued and supported, their loyalty to the Grange strengthens.

“When the ripened fruits and falling leaves of Autumn give place to Winter, as Husbandmen and Matrons - Patrons of Husbandry, indeed - we can enter into the enjoyment of that rest from physical labor which gives us leisure for mental and social culture; and which, in our Order, brings us into that circle where unbounded confidence prevails, and where the welfare of each is bound up in the good of all. Let us treasure up the lessons we have learned, both by successes and failures, plan wisely and hopefully for the future, and strive to make our lives as harmoniously beautiful and bountiful as are the works of Nature’s God.” (Fourth Degree President)

Granges should reflect on the lessons learned from both achievements and setbacks. Leaders are encouraged to plan wisely for the future, aiming to create enriching experiences that reflect the harmony and abundance that the Grange represents. Grange members should take pride in their affiliation, actively promoting the organization and its benefits at every opportunity.

By incorporating these teachings into their marketing perspectives, Granges can enhance member engagement, foster a supportive community, and ensure a prosperous future.



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