February 1, 2022 -- Hello everyone. Just when we thought we would be back to normal, or somewhat normal, we find ourselves having to be even more careful as to where we go and who we are with. Things seem to be shutting back down. But it’s better to be safe and prepared than sorry. I hope that you have started some of the projects and contests we have outlined in this year’s package. I did include the pattern for the scrubbies that are really popular up at the Eastern States so you can ask your Chairman for it. They are in demand so if you can make some, I know that they would appreciate it. Also changed were 4 classifications changes for this year’s Needlework contest. Class A: Afghans; Class H: Hook Latch and Class I: Quilted wall hanging have all had the dimensions changed. Class D: Baby set allows 3 of any
items. For example you can make the sweater and 2 hats. I hope you all enjoy these changes and it will encourage you to try making something for our contest. Let’s have a showing in every category!
For you Quilters out there, The National Quilt block contest for this year is the Wonky Star Quilt Bock Pattern. The pattern and entry forms will also be put up on the State Website for you. Just look for the Family Activities downloads section.